deepak construction
why Organic
- Details
- Category: Søbogård Nepal Organic
- Published on Wednesday, 08 June 2011 03:58
- Written by Michael
- Hits: 8359
Why Eat Organic?
Tribhuvan University recently reported that 75 percent of Kathmandu¹s vegetables contain pesticide residues. (Although the specific chemicals vary, similar levels of residue can be found throughout the world.) Because most Nepali farmers (and many of their counterparts throughout Asia) have been told of the benefits but know little about the risks of or alternatives to agricultural chemicals, use of these chemicals- including some that are obsolete or banned in other countries- is widespread in Nepal, and many are used incorrectly. Silvie cites an example of tomatoes, which she terms “notorious” for being pesticide-tainted. Prone to fungus, they are treated with chemical pesticides just before harvesting (normally, vegetables should not be treated in the two-week period prior to harvest). When bought, non-organically grown tomatoes therefore have a high concentration of pesticide, much of which will go straight into consumers’ mouths.
If that discourages you from partaking of your favorite tomato salad, take comfort in the knowledge that organic vegetables are actually what vegetables are meant to be: good for you. They are grown without chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and use farming techniques that maintain or improve soil quality and preserve ecosystems. Not only are organic vegetables better for you (including offering more nutritional value) and for nature than their non-organic counterparts, they taste much better too.
So the next time you bite into a veggie, ask yourself this: is it ORGANIC?